The Baltimore Studio
The Baltimore Studio are no more than LAPD Officers using a voice synthesizer to disguise themselves.This construction is a form of Profiling and Entrapment. Identity is a key. The Studio members are presented as MSM. The Journal is being continued here:
Bhakta David Nollmeyer October 9, 2015
2009 Archives
Happy New Years!
Desert Shores CA
January 4, 2009
Happy New Years! Mechanical breakdowns have slowed the start of the new year. I have been rereading the archives on my smartphone. It is amazing how small the work appears considering the effort took simply to present such. I have spent several thousands of dollars on computers, software, isp services and on and on. In contrast to the leadership that has plundered trillions of dollars one can find here for free what the big money charlatans are trying to hide.
I am slowly attempting to regain momentum on spiritual study and music. I believe I have a 10% chance of lasting to 2020.
The environmental conditions here on the Salton Sea are an impetus to be more direct.
The Future Considered
Desert Shores CA
January 13, 2009
I will state from the horse's mouth that the events that will most indeed end or define this event are 1. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth 2. Electronic surveillance 3. Harassment. This was predicted with Bill Clinton as president superimposed over Ulan Bator, Mongolia. This is serious. I need to update my passport this or next year and this is not cheap for me either. One can note that Homeland Security will be one if not the most prominent measures of a president. In this regard the last four plus Barack Obama are all strawmen.
Here I am giving an insight to the psychology being employed.
I am behind the curve at present but the weather here is coming through. I hope to begin direct action in earnest February.
Open Letter to President George W. Bush
Desert Shores CA
January 14, 2009
Dear President Bush,
As the end of your 8 year term as president nears I believe it is necessary for both historians and Homeland Security to confront was has transpired during your capacity as president.
From the day of your inauguration in January of 2000 the United States was in it's 13th year of a chemical assault scorched earth attack. This event appears to be authored by the United Kingdom. It is a Gay Militancy. The chemical assault is imposed over one's person from genealogy, a crime of blood. It is also superimposed over certain crimes a drugs and steroid use to name a few. LAPD is running the attack.
What occurs is that the full blown scorched earth, what is occurring now is code named AKBAR will be fallaciously attributed by LAPD that attack originates from me. In degree it is a product of their volition. I do not pay or order Homeland Security Officers to spray any chemicals on food, clothing, or the air in general.
I am the only person who exists in this condition however the natural species and environment also are attacked.
The country is in an informant antisocial mode. Persons defect to LAPD instead of cooperating with the Constitution. Hence it is easy to get the population to attack myself and others in mob rule. No federal or public employee will step forward. In degree they also get chemically assaulted.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, California
Open Letter to Senator Joe Biden D DE
Desert Shores CA
January 15, 2009
Dear Senator Biden,
I am writing to you for the final time during your last days as senator from Delaware. You were chosen by Barack Obama to be vice president due to his perception of your skill in international relations and dedication to public service.
Since June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware, the United States has undergone a chemical assault scorched earth. This has been imposed over my natural person and citizenship which you have sworn several times to uphold.
LAPD is running this operation which is alleged to have a United Kingdom authorship. This event code named Akbar, I have testified in this regard in federal court several time pre 9-11, runs through the Baltimore and Delaware State Police Departments.
I am the main opposition, the only public one to my knowledge to a GAY MILITANCY. This has spawned one of the worst blackmail and extortion rings in human history. No one at any level worldwide has stepped forward other than myself with open transparent public records.
I am in Desert Shores, California. The Salton Sea is chemically despoiled.
In review I was in Delaware during 9-11 and the Anthrax scare. I was also present during the return of the USS Cole crewmen through Dover AFB. This was a disgrace under chemical assault.
You, Barack Obama, and his administration are knowingly subjecting United States citizens to HARM.
I have a credible legal confrontation with Gov. Janet Napolitano. I have complaints against here and Arizona from her days as attorney general.
I am being severely derived and marginalized from STATE SPONSORED activities and corruption.
This level of incompetence will damage the United States and human race for centuries to come.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores, CA
Open Letter to Governor Janet Napolitano D AZ
Desert Shores CA
January 16, 2009
Dear Governor Napolitano,
In consideration of your career as attorney general and governor of Arizona in context to your nomination as homeland security, it is necessary to point out that there is huge Chemical Assault ongoing in the United States.
The Salton Sea is chemically contaminated. All my clothing and almost anything I can touch or eat is likewise contaminated at the hands of homeland security officers of which you will most likely order.
In panorama, Barack Obama has demonstrated no leadership in this area nor has Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton. Indeed these selections inclusive of your self posit a classic confrontation abstract rights, constitutional rights and a conflict between the individual and state.
I have a reasonable body of sworn legal history that contradicts the resume of all persons named supra.
It is my position that the restoration of legal person before the government per the Bill of Rights negating this chemical assault, electronic surveillance, and harassment will be the measure of presidents for centuries to come.
I am enclosing a photo file of myself outside Flagstaff May of 2007. I was considering a direct confrontation with you realizing it would most only be a hand wave or tacit recognition that I was even standing there so opted not for this event.
I am using this photo as my current official photograph.

Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
Open Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton
Desert Shores CA
January 17, 2009
Dear Senator Clinton,
I am writing you for the last time during your term as senator. During this time you have not stepped forward to confront the Chemical Assault that has endured from June 17, 1987 through your husband's term as president into the Barack Obama era.
Barack Obama in nominating you, Joe Biden of Delaware, and Janet Napolitano of Arizona creates one of the most polarizing cabinets in attempting to restore the constitutional equilibrium of the nation.
The people themselves have responded poorly to A CHEMICAL ATTACK.
President Bush fallaciously claims to have prevented a terrorist attack on this country in the last seven years.
I am at the Salton Sea, California and it is chemically contaminated.
As secretary of state you will have to prove to other nations that you and the United States can not be blackmailed or extorted when it comes to nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
Barack Obama will most likely meet with Medvedev and other CIS officials regarding nuclear deterrence soon.
What type of assurance can you or Obama provide?
My health will not last. All my clothes and even my food are contaminated. The bag of tortillas I ate this morning were caustic but I ate about half anyway. This type of stupidity is what this entire 22 year event represents.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores
The Bush Farewell Speech
Desert Shores CA
January 17, 2009
The Virgin, the Roman Catholic Pope, the knights and their genealogies...
Over the past seven years, a new Department of Homeland Security has been created. The military, the intelligence community, and the FBI have been transformed. Our nation is equipped with new tools to monitor the terrorists' movements, freeze their finances, and break up their plots. And with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them. Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored al Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. Iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of America to an Arab democracy at the heart of the Middle East and a friend of the United States.
There is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. But there can be little debate about the results. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil. This is a tribute to those who toil day and night to keep us safe: law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, homeland security and diplomatic personnel, and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.
Our nation is blessed to have citizens who volunteer to defend us in this time of danger. I have cherished meeting these selfless patriots and their families. America owes you a debt of gratitude. And to all our men and women in uniform listening tonight: There has been no higher honor than serving as your Commander in Chief.
George W. Bush
The President is living in a repressive state. Criminals repress and victims deny. I am writing from the Salton Sea California. This is Don Quixote personified.
The Obama Reality Check
Desert Shores CA
January 23, 2009
The following excerpts from Barack Obama's Inauguration demonstrate his character. He is not a champion against fascism, he is catalyst for such. When our children's children study his life this will be made clear by the damage he has inflicted on them and the environment. I do not know why Barack Obama is invoking God. These conditions of which he is condoning and misleading the nation and world through are quite the opposite.
Evil is real Barack Obama.
David Nollmeyer
Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America, they will be met. On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord...
In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journey has never been one of shortcuts or settling for less. It has not been the path for the faint hearted, for those who prefer leisure over work, or seek only the pleasures of riches and fame...
What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them, that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply. The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works, whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end. And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government...
We are the keepers of this legacy. Guided by these principles once more, we can meet those new threats that demand even greater effort even greater cooperation and understanding between nations. We will begin to responsibly leave Iraq to it's people, and forge a hard earned peace in Afghanistan. With old friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet. We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you...
In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. With hope and virtue, let us brave once more the icy currents, and endure what storms may come. Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations...
Barack Obama
January 20, 2009
An Important Revision
Desert Shores CA
February 1, 2009
I am including the Ghost in the Machine Update from the Position Papers. The chemical tags are used to extinct genealogies. They descend from a debate to incorporate objects of the mind and world. The chemical tags are a crime. Hence a tag against food would be crime versus legal. If this event is placed against reproduction it would also be crime versus legal.
The tag is inherited.
The Ghost in the Machine and Holons I-X.
The Ghost in the Machine describes a debate acted out between the Philosophy and Law Department of Cambridge University. Holons I-X are a flow chart or schematic of a third party hostaging model that is a reduction of MOEC. It is no more than what a relay is in Law enforcement.
The Ghost in the Machine is debate encompassing Absolute versus Relative Morality. The intent was to design a culture.
The argument of whether there is God and one's individual and collective relationship to such. Epistemology was most likely a model. Hence food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction would follow.
The use of a chemical tag develops from a chemical assault to a scorched earth campaign. IT IS DESIGNED TO EXTINCT GENEALOGIES OF THOSE WHO DO NOT WISH TO DEFECT AND ACCEPT STATE PLANNING THAT IS BASED ON AN EUGENIC LGBT DESIGN. The tags are inherited from father to son, mother to daughter, and parent to sibling.
Another important facet of this debate is the argument of having women and homosexuals in the military. This is an old classical political philosophy argument. The discussion will involve extortion and blackmail. In this regards alcohol, drug use, as well as prostitution are brought up.
Hence should a top level security clearance be given to a LGBTi member? What is the consideration for past drug users? Should a person with extra marital affairs be given clearance.
It appears that the Philosophy department (Absolute Morality) defeated the Law School (Relative Morality). The power is the Law School under Prisoner's Dilemma.
What will emerge is an analogy to the Cult of Apollo versus the Cult of Dionysus. Apollo is the antecedent for conservative western philosophy. Dionysus is the antecedent for liberal philosophy.
In reality it appears that Dionysus is free for a thousand years until Apollo captures him and binds him. In the meantime the world is lead into a Bacchanal, In Pursuit of Dionysus.
An Open Letter to Senator Harry Reid
Desert Shores CA
February 19, 2009
Dear Senator Reid,
I am writing to discuss Attorney General Holder's recent comments concerning RACISM. He argues that Americans "lack the courage" to address this issue.
My argument is that Eric Holder is the PERFECT EXAMPLE OF A COWARD.
This country has already entered into over 21 years of manifest Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
This is also a Hate Crime. Such is being organized under Gay Irrationalism Gay Fascism. The Salton Sea in California is ruined.
My case is that I have consistently supported Heterosexual Marriage as Proposition 8 here in California.
My religious Hare Krishna beliefs are orthodox reflecting heterosexual marriage. However the Krishna Movement is splitting. Hridayananda Maharaj (Howard Resnick PhD) recently attempted to bless a Gay Union and was immediately rebuffed.
He is a diksa or living guru and I am ritvik follower of a deceased teacher Srila Prabhupada.
It is potentially dangerous for a ritvik disciple to enter a diksa temple.
In degree my religious background and my staunch advocacy of Traditional Marriage have destroyed my life at the hands of Gay Militants from LAPD and have also destroyed your legacy in upholding constitutional rights.
The discussion that needs to be addressed here is the COWARDICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL HOLDER.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
University of Cambridge and Evolutionary Biology
Desert Shores CA
March 1, 2009
The study of Evolutionary Biology has emerged as a template to organize the emergence of Gay Irrationalism Gay Fascism. This study discusses the mechanistic origins of species. We can focus on the choice of mating pairs to select the sex of their offspring.
This is an emergent interdisciplinary science. The above discussion can be argued as intra sex (intersex). We can see why LGBTi individuals and couples would have an interest in this issue. This is a highly complex study and I make no pretensions of having an expertise other than the University of Cambridge is guilty of practicing eugenics in a chemical assault scorched earth.
What is interesting is that certain chemicals and structures can be seen as cognitive maps through the environment. Of interest is testosterone. This in males could be linked to alpha members and beta members.
I do know that there is a steroid entrapment ongoing that will move backwards to high school sports where the police, as LAPD pick athletes to use steroids with impunity. Here LGBTi persons are favored then multisport athletes.
I am going to finish this event in my life advocating the spiritual heterosexual individual and heterosexual monogamy. This will occur under Gaudiya Vaishnavism or what is known as the Krishna Movement in the west. Outside of India mainly ISKCON is associated with Krishna. This group is fragmenting under pressures associated with LGBTi concerns.
This study and the escalated chemical assault has had a very sobering and grave effect on my thought.
I believe all the major competent authorities since 1987 are guilty of very serious aggravated crimes negligent and corrupt officials. I do not believe that any of the Congressional members from 1987, the 100th Congress on forward, to be innocent nor members of what is now known as Homeland Security if they have a rank of lieutenant or better. These persons are sworn and by law had to step forward.
I will organize this site slowly and confront Cambridge University and the authorities.
It takes a point mutation on a gene loci to cause a mutation.
The design of chemical scorched earth, biological weapons, and nuclear devices leaves one to wonder why humans would plan to win battles, wars, or inflict mutually assured destruction on a foe.
The entire trajectory of Gay Marriage leaves the LGBTi side with the most violent membership. This descends from the authorship, through the police, and into agent informants whom I confront on an almost daily basis.
My conditions are deplorable here. I do not know what is in anything that I may eat. Most recently and of interest I ate terribulis terrestis which is an Ayurvedic pro hormone. This was chemically contaminated as it is a mild testosterone booster which is legal.
The argument of whether criminality is genetic, socialized, or both emerges. Volition is also a factor. This too, has serious implications on LGBT concerns. The police who are leading this event posses an Inferiority Complex of which they are displacing. This states that they are attacking substitute targets as my self instead of peaceful reconciling challenges made to them from their environments.
Fascism: An Emergent Structure Evolves
Desert Shores CA
March 5, 2009
This an excellent small article that describes Fascism. It is quite shocking and compelling to observe how degraded the United States and the world has become. I am writing mostly federal officials that have jurisdiction over this disaster and will be more assertive in my these confrontations over the disintegration of constitutional rights.
As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In it's day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom and bust prone liberal capitalism, with it's alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with it's violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism blood and soil for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.
Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society's economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the national interest that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.) Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace. Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.
Fascism is to be distinguished from interventionism, or the mixed economy. Interventionism seeks to guide the market process, not eliminate it, as fascism did. Minimum wage and antitrust laws, though they regulate the free market, are a far cry from multiyear plans from the Ministry of Economics.
Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission. Levels of consumption were dictated by the state, and excess incomes had to be surrendered as taxes or loans. The consequent burdening of manufacturers gave advantages to foreign firms wishing to export. But since government policy aimed at autarky, or national self sufficiency, protectionism was necessary: imports were barred or strictly controlled, leaving foreign conquest as the only avenue for access to resources unavailable domestically. Fascism was thus incompatible with peace and the international division of labor hallmarks of liberalism.
Fascism embodied corporatism, in which political representation was based on trade and industry rather than on geography. In this, fascism revealed it's roots in syndicalism, a form of socialism originating on the left. The government cartelized firms of the same industry, with representatives of labor and management serving on myriad local, regional, and national boards subject always to the final authority of the dictator's economic plan. Corporatism was intended to avert unsettling divisions within the nation, such as lockouts and union strikes. The price of such forced harmony was the loss of the ability to bargain and move about freely.
To maintain high employment and minimize popular discontent, fascist governments also undertook massive public works projects financed by steep taxes, borrowing, and fiat money creation. While many of these projects were domestic roads, buildings, stadiums the largest project of all was militarism, with huge armies and arms production.
The fascist leaders' antagonism to communism has been misinterpreted as an affinity for capitalism. In fact, fascists' anticommunism was motivated by a belief that in the collectivist milieu of early twentieth century Europe, communism was it's closest rival for people's allegiance. As with communism, under fascism, every citizen was regarded as an employee and tenant of the totalitarian, party dominated state. Consequently, it was the state's prerogative to use force, or the threat of it, to suppress even peaceful opposition.
If a formal architect of fascism can be identified, it is Benito Mussolini, the onetime Marxist editor who, caught up in nationalist fervor, broke with the left as World War I approached and became Italy's leader in 1922. Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography:
The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the antisocial right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with it's corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill. (p. 280)
Before his foray into imperialism in 1935, Mussolini was often praised by prominent Americans and Britons, including Winston Churchill, for his economic program.
Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said:
The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain it's right to control the owners of property. (Barkai 1990, pp. 26,27)
Both nations exhibited elaborate planning schemes for their economies in order to carry out the state's objectives. Mussolini's corporate state "consider[ed] private initiative in production the most effective instrument to protect national interests" (Basch 1937, p. 97). But the meaning of initiative differed significantly from it's meaning in a market economy. Labor and management were organized into twenty two industry and trade corporations, each with Fascist Party members as senior participants. The corporations were consolidated into a National Council of Corporations; however, the real decisions were made by state agencies such as the Instituto per la Ricosstruzione Industriale, which held shares in industrial, agricultural, and real estate enterprises, and the Instituto Mobiliare, which controlled the nation's credit.
Hitler's regime eliminated small corporations and made membership in cartels mandatory. The Reich Economic Chamber was at the top of a complicated bureaucracy comprising nearly two hundred organizations organized along industry, commercial, and craft lines, as well as several national councils. The Labor Front, an extension of the Nazi Party, directed all labor matters, including wages and assignment of workers to particular jobs. Labor conscription was inaugurated in 1938. Two years earlier, Hitler had imposed a four year plan to shift the nation's economy to a war footing. In Europe during this era, Spain, Portugal, and Greece also instituted fascist economies.
In the United States, beginning in 1933, the constellation of government interventions known as the New Deal had features suggestive of the corporate state. The National Industrial Recovery Act created code authorities and codes of practice that governed all aspects of manufacturing and commerce. The National Labor Relations Act made the federal government the final arbiter in labor issues. The Agricultural Adjustment Act introduced central planning to farming. The object was to reduce competition and output in order to keep prices and incomes of particular groups from falling during the Great Depression.
It is a matter of controversy whether President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal was directly influenced by fascist economic policies. Mussolini praised the New Deal as "boldly... interventionist in the field of economics," and Roosevelt complimented Mussolini for his "honest purpose of restoring Italy" and acknowledged that he kept "in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman." Also, Hugh Johnson, head of the National Recovery Administration, was known to carry a copy of Raffaello Viglione's pro Mussolini book, The Corporate State, with him, presented a copy to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, and, on retirement, paid tribute to the Italian dictator.
Sheldon Richman. Fascism. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. 2008. Library of Economics and Liberty. Retrieved March 4, 2009 from the World Wide Web:
Intro to Evolutionary Biology
Desert Shores CA
March 17, 2009
Evolution is the cornerstone of modern biology. It unites all the fields of biology under one theoretical umbrella. It is not a difficult concept, but very few people, the majority of biologists included, have a satisfactory grasp of it. One common mistake is believing that species can be arranged on an evolutionary ladder from bacteria through lower animals, to higher animals and, finally, up to man. Mistakes permeate popular science expositions of evolutionary biology. Mistakes even filter into biology journals and texts. For example, Lodish, et. al., in their cell biology text, proclaim, "It was Charles Darwin's great insight that organisms are all related in a great chain of being..." In fact, the idea of a great chain of being, which traces to Linnaeus, was overturned by Darwin's idea of common descent.
Misunderstandings about evolution are damaging to the study of evolution and biology as a whole. People who have a general interest in science are likely to dismiss evolution as a soft science after absorbing the pop science nonsense that abounds. The impression of it being a soft science is reinforced when biologists in unrelated fields speculate publicly about evolution.
This is a brief introduction to evolutionary biology. I attempt to explain basics of the theory of evolution and correct many of the misconceptions.
What is Evolution?
Evolution is a change in the gene pool of a population over time. A gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed on unaltered for many generations. The gene pool is the set of all genes in a species or population.
The English moth, Biston betularia, is a frequently cited example of observed evolution. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In this moth there are two color morphs, light and dark. H. B. D. Kettlewell found that dark moths constituted less than 2% of the population prior to 1848. The frequency of the dark morph increased in the years following. By 1898, the 95% of the moths in Manchester and other highly industrialized areas were of the dark type. Their frequency was less in rural areas. The moth population changed from mostly light colored moths to mostly dark colored moths. The moths' color was primarily determined by a single gene. [gene: a hereditary unit] So, the change in frequency of dark colored moths represented a change in the gene pool. [gene pool: the set all of genes in a population] This change was, by definition, evolution.
The increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background, birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them. As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an example of natural selection.
Populations evolve. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In order to understand evolution, it is necessary to view populations as a collection of individuals, each harboring a different set of traits. A single organism is never typical of an entire population unless there is no variation within that population. Individual organisms do not evolve, they retain the same genes throughout their life. When a population is evolving, the ratio of different genetic types is changing each individual organism within a population does not change. For example, in the previous example, the frequency of black moths increased; the moths did not turn from light to gray to dark in concert. The process of evolution can be summarized in three sentences: Genes mutate. [gene: a hereditary unit] Individuals are selected. Populations evolve.
Evolution can be divided into microevolution and macroevolution. The kind of evolution documented above is microevolution. Larger changes, such as when a new species is formed, are called macroevolution. Some biologists feel the mechanisms of macroevolution are different from those of microevolutionary change. Others think the distinction between the two is arbitrary, macroevolution is cumulative microevolution.
Colby, C (1996). What is Evolution? Retrieved from:
Hard Science and Social Science Converge Under Obama
Desert Shores CA
March 18, 2009
Below are some must read supporting documents that help develop a more specialized comprehension of an interdisciplinary entrapment that is called MOEC. Keep in mind that this in itself is highly particular, almost to my person. It is the expansion of the United Kingdom's Intelligence which is no more than Oxbridge with a shield of impunity. If and when this event becomes prosecutable the acronym MOEC Mobilization of Empire and Civilization will be a particular operation as Desert Storm was for the United States.
It will demonstrate the incompetence of the Homeland Security, CIA, FBI, LAPD, Baltimore PD, and the Delaware State Police.
Developing A Final Presentation
Desert Shores CA
March 28, 2009
The weather has broke and I am more able to pick up the pace. I would like to have a final version of my presentation up in 15 months. I am clearly basing a core of my disclosure on direct legal writing to government officials. This will eliminate unsworn confounding, deflections, and over all malicious interpolations.
It is clear that I will advocate a heterosexual position for the male and then the female. This prevents the modus talons based fallacy of stating that if a male rejects lesbian he is gay. In fact he is most likely opposing homosexuality and bisexuality across both sexes. The gender identity of LGBTi is clearly being abused by those that claim this identity. Their tactics degrade the effort the work of legislators who in my part are in error in legalizing this act of labeling.
This has clearly been discriminatory as I prefer the older manner of just stating heterosexual.
I have begun to openly state with more force that I am the leading opposition figure against the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. LAPD is attempting to use a gay placement. I would easily have a perfect score as a heterosexual my entire life. I am the only known writer on internet or with a public record that I know of. A fast second approach is being employed. The LGBTi side will have to do a great deal of work as their numbers are smaller.
A great amount of work over the past 20 years is obsolete and static sanitization. The creation of the cult of personality in the presidency versus Stalinism would provide interesting comparative politics.
Sovereign Citizen Relations In Prisoner's Dilemma
Desert Shores CA
April 4, 2009
I have added a small paper that explains the infiltration and degradation of the Constitutional State in the Position Papers section.
Sovereign Citizen Relations In Prisoner's Dilemma should be read with the Prisoner's Dilemma section. Not only is this a more simple manner of perceiving the legal environment it is also applicable for use in economic and religious group wrecking. Attempt to work with the concept. The equilibrium of the world is in an informant defection pattern.
The current banking collapse and the Madoff scandal reflect this type of defection to interests not following a state of order or rules.
I will attempt to expand my presentation through contacts and through my websites gradually towards a final version. By using very simple models that I had to write under extreme duress I was able to build up a small refutation that will hopefully raise the bar on the Irrationalist Know Nothing posture that is debilitating the human race.
Blogging for Truth and Transparency
Desert Shores CA
April 12, 2009
In the past two months I have begun to step up the blogging to reflect the deterioration here in the United States. The entire presidency of the last 20 plus years reflects the creation of a cult of personality around the head of state. The model is Joseph Stalin. Saddam Hussein imitated this style of personal mythology and inflation to gain control of Iraq.
The corporate CEO and entertainers also reflect a similar cult pattern. This however is with lesser social control.
Opposing Sanitization
Desert Shores CA
April 15, 2009
The current structural shift of Chemical Assault Scorched Earth necessitates that the president and other sworn officials of the United States have a sworn record of opposition and action against such. It is obvious that this has not happened. Pressure should be applied against the Obama administration with equal protection towards the preceding four presidents.
It is likely that the event will not last towards 2020.
The cover up and sanitization may endure. This is why I argue that Barack Obama, by his birth age may be entrapped. He being 47 years of age places him in likely prosecution.
Alberto Fujimori has been convicted in Peru of crimes against humanity. This is the first time a democratically elected head of state has been convicted.
This is a notable event for the zeitgeist.
Currently I am attempting to expand.
For networking:
Gaudiya Vaishnava
Chemical Assault Humanrights
Obama is Incompetent
Big Pine CA
April 29, 2009
President Barack Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano are making tremendous mistakes as the swine flu epidemic begins to spread through the United States.
Obama is contending with a full plate as economics, terrorism, and now a viral epidemic impacts daily life.
The chemical assault is the first priority as it will be easier to criticize the Obama administration.
I have returned to Inyo County and this is one of the smartest locations I could be in if there was a pandemic escalation.
All of the federal competent authorities as well as state figures are incompetent.
Chrysler and GM are likely to enter some form of bankruptcy to expedite there reorganization.
I am consistently refining my position on marriage.
I support:
Heterosexual marriage. One man, One woman to raise a heterosexual family.
Social Science Websites Added
Big Pine CA
April 31, 2009
I have added the following social science sites to the domain. They are popular and small. They are useful for doing college level papers. Most have citations. I wrote these papers when I was beginning to learn the computer and the internet was not as friendly.
Social Science
Future Implications for the United Kingdom
Big Pine CA
May 7, 2009
I am beginning to consider the implications to the origin of the authorship for the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. As seen the allegation implicates the United Kingdom. The credibility of this nationstate is also highly intertwined with the United States. As I analyze some basic historical events it is clear that England has had problems with Germany which will drive them towards Canada, Australia, and the United States. There are also historical Christian Muslim issues that could cause conflicts as in present day Serbia Albania.
The event clearly attacks the concept of the Social Contract where primary rights and punishments are clearly written and promulgated in a constitution.
The United States is argued to have the strongest and this has been wrecked successfully.
Currently the H1N1 pandemic is working slowly around the world. The flu is mild and I probably caught the virus while I wintered in the Salton Sea area. The seasonal virus here in Inyo County can be quite scary as well as the virus in New Mexico. I never caught the flu as a youth in Delaware. I have twice since 1987. I am not permitted to get a flu shot as the public servants,elderly, and youths are first.
A plethora of questionable events are occurring, wildfires in the West, insurgencies in the Mideast and Muslim lands, various biological events, of which all must have some valid cause.
I will more assertively press United States officials in the style of Simon Wiesenthal. I do not believe they ever intend to do anything to stop Chemical Assault and Convergent Totalitarianism.
Open Letter to Senator Mikulski D Maryland
Big Pine CA
May 23, 2009
Dear Sen. Mikulski,
It is time to put the affairs of the United States and Maryland in order. The United States is in a State of Treason. There is a fullblown Chemical Assault Scorched Earth in continuo.
Surface water in the Owens Valley as the Owens River Canal is completely contaminated. I have to wash my clothes in the canal, I am totally caustic. Maryland has a role in this events as I have lived in Oxford.
The Unnamed Baltimore Studio, a commercial jingle operation are alleged to be mutilating evidence. Much of this pertains to gender orientation and sexual behavior.
As seen it appears that the California Supreme Court is most likely going to sustain Proposition 8 upholding the peoples rights to direct democracy to define that Gay Marriage is not an absolute right and is clearly a state issue.
I argue that my right to have clean air, fresh food, and to be free from cruel and unusual treatment, and suffrage before the court is an absolute and approaches such within the continuum of judicial review in Anglo Saxon and American Jurisprudence.
I am a Proposition 8 supporter, cradle to grave heterosexual as most of my correspondence to you will bear out.
If LAPD which contains a Gay Militancy can target me with Chemical Assault to promote a Gay Agenda then they will simultaneously attack this country and Maryland as the poisoning of the Chesapeake Bay.
I will state that it is incomprehensible for state police and other homeland security agencies to take the tax payers money and purchase caustic chemicals, transport, store, and apply these agents to our air, land, and water.
This is a designed treason. Big Pine, California is a town of 1500 persons and Big Pine High School has about 200 students max. I first appeared here around 17 years ago. The police used to send ladies with their babies in strollers to say hello right in front of the school. These students are about to graduate now somewhere. I went to Oxford Elementary school, two grades to a room, 1 to 6 for the second grade.
This country has been subverted into an informant state. Oxford is one of the oldest incorporated towns in the United States. My relatives are buried in the graveyard which dates to 1812. What I am pointing out is that there is no education or tradition to uphold my rights and confront a manifest ACT OF WAR against this country.
What is poor is that the population is and are willing conspirators in a Bacchanal that is destroying this country.
In degree the trajectory of Gay History, Gay Law Enforcement, and Gay Rights are simultaneous perspectives of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing. This a pre fascist provocateur stage. Gay Fascism will occur when the intellects appear in attempt sanitize their history.
I am Japanese American also with German ancestors. I know the experience of having to listen to the history of German, Japanese, and Italian Fascism and WWII. In degree I am spiritual practitioner in the Hare Krishna faith which also contains some extreme fascist perversions of it's scripture. I mention the bodily designations to keep things simple.
Sheila Kuehl D Santa Monica attempted to pass legislation that would prohibit the teaching of history where LGBTi persons did anything wrong. Amazingly Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed this law. His father was in the SS.
Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is 15 miles south of here in Big Pine.
Your personal duty as a senator is a stake as the discussion correctly turns to treason and an act of war against the United States.
There is a strong allegation that Cambridge Law School of the UK designed this event.
I argue that Barack Obama is an Informant to this country and has committed treason. This would also include the past four presidents. His debate with Dick Cheney is poor theater during a chemical assault.
Thank You for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
Senator Feinstein: Let's Discuss Treason
Big Pine CA
May 25, 2009
Dear Senator Feinstein,
My writings and complaints to you and your associates in Congress fall on deaf ears and cold hearts.
Lets Discuss Treason and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In my last memo I mentioned a Captain Marvel of the Delaware State Police who may have traveled to your mayor's office from Berkeley. This would be in 1986 spring. This was the staging of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In review there was also heard a discussion that you would be the Queen's Gambit in this operation. There was a discussion regarding individuals who record video messages accusing persons of their homicides before they occur.
Ernesto Rosenberg of Guatemala has recently down this and I have posted his video on my blog:
As soon as I can find the software I will record youtube videos giving authorized statements regarding this traitorous event against the human race and the United States. This is is where your role as the Queen's Gambit occurs. You should take this very seriously as this is what LAPD, who is attacking with chemicals has referred to you as.
Under prisoner's dilemma cooperation would be adhering to the United States Constitution. Defection would mean following the orders of LAPD who are de facto.
I am claiming that Cambridge University of the United Kingdom is the authorship. As seen I allege that LAPD is implementing the chemical assault.
I am in the same position that Ernesto Rosenberg was in. I do not see myself living 10 more years.
I am running a fever from the chemicals that are on my clothes, food, and in the air here in Big Pine, California. I had to jump into the Owens River Canal to cool down. It is completely contaminated and is used to supply drinking water for the City of Los Angeles. This becomes even more complicated with H1N1. I probably have the flu but fever has occurred before.
LAPD is LGBTi and I am a cradle to grave heterosexual. LAPD has an irrational defense mechanism that is delusional. They operate on the premise that if they damaged the legal standing of Ronald Reagan than they will be heroes in LGBTi locations as San Francisco. I agree that this IS ACCURATE in part only.
I will simply state that I view your performance as a sworn official in California as illegal and punishable by law. You have substantial contributions to the Gay Community that you undertook with peril to your own career.
What has a Gay Militancy run out of Homeland Security done for you? You should ask this of Janet Napolitano and William Bratton.
They have destroyed your legacy and family history as they have destroyed my life and who knows how many more.
I, like any other competent general simply wish to open a file through the defection model. I consider that the 100th Congress in continuo is no more than a Pontius Pilate Club, a group of corrupt politicians who have thrown human life, their constituents under their bus for a profit.
I believe that the history of the world, country, and nation have been altered.
I am the leader of a the idea and practice of civilly opposing Gay Irrationality Gay Know Nothing.
Gay Fascism emerges when persons as Sheila Kuehl, State Senator from Santa Monica attempt to pass legislation sanitizing Gay History. Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is about 20 miles south of here.
LAPD's Gay Militia is racist against Latinos, Blacks, Jews, and Asians.
The officers that directly corrupted your life have code names. This may also include a complex of more than one officer.
Periander: Is most likely dead. He operated in the staging until the early 1980s.
Sri Krishna: Declare it boldly my devotee never perishes...
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
Nancy Pelosi: Let's Discuss Treason
Big Pine CA
May 26, 2009
Dear Speaker Pelosi,
My writings and complaints to you and your associates in Congress fall on deaf ears and cold hearts.
Lets Discuss Treason and Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In my last memo I mentioned a Captain Marvel of the Delaware State Police who may have traveled to your mayor's office from Berkeley. This would be in 1986 spring. This was the staging of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
In review there was also heard a discussion that you would be the Queen's Gambit in this operation. There was a discussion regarding individuals who record video messages accusing persons of their homicides before they occur.
Ernesto Rosenberg of Guatemala has recently down this and I have posted his video on my blog:
As soon as I can find the software I will record youtube videos giving authorized statements regarding this traitorous event against the human race and the United States. This is is where your role as the Queen's Gambit occurs. You should take this very seriously as this is what LAPD, who is attacking with chemicals has referred to you as.
Under prisoner's dilemma cooperation would be adhering to the United States Constitution. Defection would mean following the orders of LAPD who are de facto.
I am claiming that Cambridge University of the United Kingdom is the authorship. As seen I allege that LAPD is implementing the chemical assault.
I am in the same position that Ernesto Rosenberg was in. I do not see myself living 10 more years.
I am running a fever from the chemicals that are on my clothes, food, and in the air here in Big Pine, California. I had to jump into the Owens River Canal to cool down. It is completely contaminated and is used to supply drinking water for the City of Los Angeles. This becomes even more complicated with H1N1. I probably have the flu but fever has occurred before.
LAPD is LGBTi and I am a cradle to grave heterosexual. LAPD has an irrational defense mechanism that is delusional. They operate on the premise that if they damaged the legal standing of Ronald Reagan than they will be heroes in LGBTi locations as San Francisco. I agree that this IS ACCURATE in part only.
I will simply state that I view your performance as a sworn official in California as illegal and punishable by law. You have substantial contributions to the Gay Community that you undertook with peril to your own career.
What has a Gay Militancy run out of Homeland Security done for you? You should ask this of Janet Napolitano and William Bratton.
They have destroyed your legacy and family history as they have destroyed my life and who knows how many more.
I, like any other competent general simply wish to open a file through the defection model. I consider that the 100th Congress in continuo is no more than a Pontius Pilate Club, a group of corrupt politicians who have thrown human life, their constituents under their bus for a profit.
I believe that the history of the world, country, and nation have been altered.
I am the leader of a the idea and practice of civilly opposing Gay Irrationality Gay Know Nothing.
Gay Fascism emerges when persons as Sheila Kuehl, State Senator from Santa Monica attempt to pass legislation sanitizing Gay History. Manzanar, a Japanese internment camp is about 20 miles south of here.
LAPD's Gay Militia is racist against Latinos, Blacks, Jews, and Asians.
The officers that directly corrupted your life have code names. This may also include a complex of more than one officer.
Periander: Is most likely dead. He operated in the staging until the earl 1980s.
Sri Krishna: Declare it boldly my devotee never perishes...
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Big Pine CA
The Position Papers Are Being Developed
Big Pine CA
May 27, 2009
There is now a Preface to one of my first writings Lycurgus in the Position Papers. This will also suffice to a works consulted for all my writings. In degree due to Chemical Assault Scorched Earth you are witnessing me work under controlled desperation. The more direct less accommodating style is rapid but builds me up as I challenge a leadership that is systemically corrupt. Gay Marriage was overturned yesterday. I am emerging as the latent third force on the pro heterosexual interfaith side.
I will be more active in this area to support heterosexual opposite sex marriage in amendments are submitted on the ballot in Iowa and Maine.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing and the Defeat of Gay Triumphalism
Big Pine CA
May 30, 2009
A unique discovery in the strategic mission of MOEC occurred on May 30, 2009. This is the template of Gay Triumphalism that was developed by the authorship in Cambridge Law School and handed off to lower hierarchies especially the legitimate Gay Rights Movement hence LGBTi. In degree irrationalism is the the ideology that spawns Nazism and Fascism. Here Cambridge by pairing criminal events to constitutional events clearly demonstrates it's irrationalist platform. In the present instance we will deal only with chemical assault.
In a concept of state engineering Cambridge Law School probably around the 1930s incorporated the Gay Rights Movement that was already beginning elsewhere in Europe. Targeted chemical assaults were placed over various person's genealogies as well as objects of food, clothing, shelter, and reproduction.
This planning was handed off to Scotland Yard and LAPD.
We can easily see that gay couples can not reproduce naturally. The gays need to recruit. In degree alienation of my rights was planned on June 17, 1987 the 200th Anniversary of the United States Constitution.
I am a lifelong heterosexual with zero same sex or MSM (male same sex male) contacts. In essence I had to be a gay or married to a bisexual or lesbian female to avoid being alienated in the in continuo chemical assault.
I am also a Hare Krishna in the ritvik line of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He did not promoted LGBTi as Vedic.
Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing exists in a parallel trajectory with the LGBTi movement. The deification of homosexuality in imitation of Sri Krishna who is the Supreme Male Personality of Godhead, hence the Overman Superman is a template for Gay Triumphalism. Triumphalism in it's negative is an ethnocentric glorification of a final or coming victory of one's religion, group, culture, social model, and here sexual orientation.
The planners in Cambridge Law School embraced a form of Gay Triumphalism and this was embodied in a culture of Gay Militants in LAPD. This was exemplified by the attack on then President Ronald Reagan on June 17, 1987 in Dover, Delaware.
One can note that the Artificial Cell Virus of MOEC is embedded in Gay Irrationalism. This is a sophisticated systems approach structure derived from prisoner's dilemma. It is probable that most researchers would only be able to discern this as a mutation of a Nash Equilibrium. This is profound for even Game Theory but permits elements of the defection to be picked up and restored from other plans that have been safe housed elsewhere.
So there are systems effects since the manifest Chemical Assault that are that emanate from Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing negatively transforming the LGBTi movement along nodes that derive from Cambridge Law School, Scotland Yard, and LAPD. This would dictate a yield of Gay Fascist from an apologist position. Hence intellects appear who help obstruct justice and censorship.
Gay Triumphalism is a subset in the LGBTi movement. Many gay rights activist reject such for the achievement of positive gay rights as marriage.
In the construction of a systematic analysis of MOEC. The Refutation of Gay Triumphalism is truly Holon X.
Preliminary Outline: Gay Irrationalism Gay Triumphalism
Westwood CA
June 8, 2009
Holon X: Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
I. Cambridge Law School - Oxford Oxbridge
A. It is likely that MOEC was designed by Cambridge Law School.
1. Trinity College or a philosophy department had more expertise in classical tyranny. This was derived from Greek an Roman city states and empire.
2. Cambridge was not the innovator of Gay Rights. The school in this instance adopts this posture in the 1930s.
B. Gay Triumphalism has antecedents in Platonism or the Greek and Roman Deities. This can be treated as Historical Monarchialism. Hence a faith not a myth.
1. A parallel treatment is Mechanism.
2. Reduce all analysis to matter and secular humanism.
II. Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing - Pre Gay Fascism
A. State Planning and eugenics by de facto or criminal processes and structures.
1. This runs parallel to real Gay Rights Movement degrading it.
2. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth tagged to Gay Triumphalism.
B. Gay Triumphalism
1. Gay Culture
a. Celebratory of LGBTi lifestyle.
b. No significant difference from heterosexual lifestyle. More hedonistic, liberal, secular, artistic.
2. Gay Marriage
a. Legal same sex marriage
b. This may mean marrying into a LGBTi family by a heterosexual.
C. Gay Placement
1. Overwhelming concern with who is more gay. More same sex behavior.
2. Inferiority complex in males of white European descent. A desire to place Asians, Latinos ahead.
D. Gay Majors
1. This is particularly centered around UC Berkeley with a planned Chemical Assault Scorched Earth.
2. Being a LGBTi college student.
3. This includes the teaching of the history of MOEC and the Scorched Earth Chemical Assault.
E. Gay Miracle
1. Eventually coming out gay late in one's life.
2. Extending the attempt to expand Gay Triumphalism.
III. Holon X
A. This completes a system of 10 Holons that develop the Prisoner's Dilemma defection model.
1. The intent was to develop a LGBTi victim to cover the event.
2. This has failed. The model and the component of Gay Triumphalism is being refuted.
B. Legal and Civil Means to Prosecute Principals and Co Principals.
1. RICO Structure
A Refocus on the Classics: Plato and Thrasymachus
Westwood CA
June 11, 2009
The archetype of Socrates as an embodiment of truth and Thrasymachus as an informant and sophist reemerges. I have stated this event several times throughout the history of this journal. Socrates was forced to drink hemlock by Militeus for poisoning the minds of Athen's youths. Plato's The Republic is considered by many to be the most important seminal work in western political philosophy.
Here for the past twenty odd years, most commentary from priests, academics, and politicians has been sanitized sophistry. Barack Obama is emerging from a technical and showman's point of view as a great orator. In reality he is a strawman. By condoning the systematic Chemical Assault Scorched Earth under the Constitution he has chosen to uphold, he alienates himself from reality. His work is strictly semantic and for the camera of history if his exposure does not occur sooner.
I have also lived in San Diego where Platonic Philosophy has a following amongst the colleges. I will construct a site on San Diego and Mesa College. Within will be a convergence with an alter ego female that I have met that was and probably still is a target of chemical assault. The convergence will arise from Delaware where steroids are an object of chemical assault. There was and still is a huge propaganda machine that had attempted to get me married to a bisexual lesbian female.
This was and is a no go zone for me. Gay bisexual males will attempt use bisexual lesbian females to front the LGBTi platform. If you counter this, they will attempt to bait you as gay. This is amateur reasoning, ad ignorantum, but effective.
Exclusive Heterosexuality: Motive for Chemical Assault
Westwood CA
June 18, 2009

Today is the next day after the 22nd Anniversary of the Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It is becoming clear that exclusive heterosexuality was one if not the prime supports for this event against the United States and Ronald Reagan.
Exclusive heterosexuality under a faith based system where a heterosexual male and female have a monogamous marriage that only sanctions sex life for procreation is focal. In continuation the children should be reared as heterosexuals under this faith and to create further generations into perpetuity. This facet which also includes a biological basis since homosexuals or LGBTi persons cannot naturally reproduce.
As seen I am a ritvik Hare Krishna and the principles of Garbhadana Samskara appear to be just this. In degree this alienation of rights would of not occurred if I had married a practicing bisexual female or produced a child with certain bisexual females.
This is the discussion that is occurring now. I am attempting to prosecute chemical assault and LAPD is discussing marrying lesbians really bisexuals.
This is irrationalist and know nothing outside of due process.
All of Lycurgus is on Position Papers
Westwood CA
June 24, 2009
I have just placed all of Lycurgus on the Position Papers. This simple John and Jane Doe may seem link a cartoon, perhaps Underdog or the Dick Van Dyke Show. In degree it is. It is a No Knock Warrantless Search. This event is what became attacked. It was a crime attacked by a crime. The higher level of cognition is to spread the LGBTi agenda. Hence defection is arranged on a Gay Placement. This document has been used in court. I will clean up the paper in the future.
Upgrading the Presentation
Westwood CA
July 2, 2009
Today I am beginning to organize the websites in a more systematic manner. There are new websites as Myth of the Contemporary Man and Origin. I am also beginning to use more technology as Dragon Naturally Speaking 9. It will take some time to earn the full benefit of these applications. I am also learning Traction 3, a recording application that will help me create sheet music more rapidly than manual insertion on Finale Guitar. This will be on an Asus 1000he netbook.
Even though I am significantly marginalized, I will attempt to more assertively appear as a leader in exposing Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Lassen County and the Eastern High Sierras are severely ruined. I see no reason to accommodate what is serious fraud by both the Obama and Schwarzenegger Administrations.
Recently two prominent LGBTi entertainers have made news and made statements that they are not civil rights leaders. I have been an Amnesty International grass roots activist for about 14 years.
I have considered this and will simply state the history that is real in my instance, contrary to the ongoing pervasive fraud. This is quite empowering and a culture of assertiveness needs to be developed, not dependency.
Editing Origin
Westwood CA
July 10, 2009
I have been editing Origin. This is commentary on the Organic (Artificial) Cell. This is one of the most important historical documents that I have made. This has occurred under conditions of Chemical Assault. In degree, one can perceive a deliberate attempt to entrap an individual or group as single issue terrorists.
This in my opinion, can also be construed as false imprisonment by an auditory stimulus. I have a strong, but simple position in Vedic philosophy.
Origin was and is a very simple manner of elaborating on a prisoner's dilemma defection model. I will continue to pursue manifest functions as concrete criminal events in the competent jurisdictions against sworn authorities. Latent functions as conspiracy will also be pursued, but at a secondary level.
I am desiring criminal and civil justice first.
Reorganizing and Refocusing
Westwood CA
August 1, 2009
I have had to system restore my computer. It works fine now and this was do to a bad installation of software. I have created a new site from Tripod is migrating to a new server and this facilitates a consolidation that is long overdue.
This site is: It will focus on the effects of the Gay Militancy, Chemical Assault Scorched Earth on Gaudiya Vaishnavism. This is considerable. LAPD wishes to promote homosexuality within the Hare Krishna Movement and destroy such at the same time. They favor the diksa alignment. They favor gurus as Hridayananda Maharaj, Amara Das of GALVA, Narayana Maharaj and Tripurari Maharaj.
The focal topic of victory hinges on krishnanusilanam. This is Krishna Culture and a part of saranagati or surrender. Krishna is non different from his paraphernalia. In degree LAPD, most likely University of Cambridge is attempting to promoting homosexuality as equivalent to krishnanusilanam. Tripurari Maharaj has now returned to be the target for this fallacy. Krishna never leaves Vaikuntha or the Spiritual Sky. There is no homosexuality in Vraja. Manjari Bhava is also contorted to promote homosexuality. I do not support same sex.
It is clear that I do not support same sex marriage and easily will not be a foil to introduce these practices into the Hare Krishna Movement.
This is complicated argument that will be taken up on the new site at a later time with due deliberation.
Redirecting the Attack Towards University of California
Westwood CA
August 14, 2009
On August 5, I emailed a complaint to the FBI in Sacramento. This focalized Barack Obama, LGBTi activists, and LAPD. Chief William Bratton announced his retirement this very same day. After analyzing the logistical and legal terrain, I have decided to open an academic front against University of California. The history of the presidency, United States, and California is heavily censored, sanitized, and hypocritical. The University especially at Berkeley, Los Angeles, and Irvine are world class research facilities that are heavily damaged.
I am an undergraduate interdisciplinary social scientist. I believe children of the future will be more forthright in their appraisals of a systematic Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that is openly being condoned by the University of California. This will lead to a decisive verdict of the University of Cambridge's role.
I am the only individual out 6 billion persons who has attempted any direct legal and public confrontation to my cognition.
How did we grow up and emerge? There appears to a path of corruption and complicity at hand. LAPD attempts to escalate the environment with Gay Militancy and not damage the leading LGBTi intellectuals. This impossible. Either they lose, the intellects lose, or both lose. This is true with any heterosexual support that is complicit. The Eastern High Sierras, especially Plumas and Lassen counties are now becoming more prominent.
This is will be contrasted on how LAPD was recruited with how I grew up in Delaware. I have been mainly educated in California. In total contrast to LAPD I am a cradle to grave heterosexual and this form of Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing appears to be designed in the United Kingdom and radiated through LAPD.
I will research some data reflecting the type of cutting edge education that the University of California is supposed to be creating. At the same time LAPD is becoming extremely lazy intellectually.
Challenges Within a Paradigm Shift: The Implementation of MOEC: Chemical Assault Scorched Earth
Westwood CA
August 16, 2009
The instant plans were developed to pair chemical tagging to objects, a paradigm was developed. If this model was implemented a paradigm shift occurred. Integral to this paradigm and it's shift is the naming of such Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC.
Manifest Function: The part of an event that is empirically verifiable to an objective observer and confirmed by third parties.
Latent Function: The part of an event that becomes observable at a later date to be confirmed in regard to an early manifest function.
Many diseases develop in latency. Hence there is a difference from being HIV positive and having the disease of AIDS. AIDS is a latent function of the HIV virus.
It is clear that Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is a manifest function to Homeland Security and the president of the United States. The same can be said of the American Medical Association (AMA), American Psychological Association (APA), and American Bar Association (ABA). Since Los Angeles Police Department is located in California and most of this event has been localized within this state, the University of California is adversely affected and degraded also.
In degree, the certification of law or peace officers in California is called POST certification. It too is severely damaged.
The labeling and use of the acronym MOEC is latent function to a censored world of this Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. It is accurate and I am developing this area as being cognizant of it's existence by the Origin itself.
I believe I am more adequately prepared to challenge academia and their certification then any other area. I am involved in spirituality and interfaith dialog but am far from a practicing priest. I am fluent in the basic concepts of the Vedas and the Christian Bible.
The University of California has a mission of being dedicated to the research and pedagogy of innovative and leading technologies and events of human culture. This systematic crime has both elements. UC also has a vested interest in the history of California. At this point is clear that they are in a posture of censorship and sanitization that endangered human civilization and life itself.
A clear line to remedy this criminality is to directly attack Los Angeles Police Department, University of California, to the prosecution of the University Cambridge and Law School itself.
Ted Kennedy Dead at 77 History in Dispute
Westwood CA
August 26, 2009

The death of Democratic icon Ted Kennedy gives meaning to the Change that was promised by Barack Obama. The Senator who died of brain cancer, has a 50 year legacy. His social welfare based liberalism earned him the moniker Lion of the Senate. Barack Obama has already has stated, "An important chapter has come to our end. Our country has lost a great leader, who picked up the torch for his fallen brothers and became the greatest Senator of our time."
This eulogy is refuted herein. There has been an overt Chemical Assault Scorched Earth against the United States since June 17, 1987. So for over 22 years this Lion has not not fought let alone roared. The accurate record will state that if his prominence is truly measure Senator Kennedy is a symbol of impunity that endangered human life as well as the survival of the United States.
July 30, 2009
WASHINGTON DC: Senator Edward M. Kennedy today released the following statement in response to being named by President Obama as a 2009 recipient of the Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor:
I am profoundly grateful to President Obama for this extraordinary honor. My life has been committed to the ideal of public service which President Kennedy wanted the Medal of Freedom to represent. To receive it from another President who prizes that same ideal of service and inspires so many to serve is a great privilege that moves me deeply."
Kennedy Family Statement
"Edward M. Kennedy, the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port. We’ve lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all. He loved this country and devoted his life to serving it. He always believed that our best days were still ahead, but it’s hard to imagine any of them without him."
Exposing Fraud Through the Internet
Westwood CA
September 2, 2009
So far working on has been the basic platform and it will continue as far as a descriptive public presentation is concerned. The core of the platform is legal recording making to sworn public officials. As seen the history of Senator Ted Kennedy will be historically and legally disputed. He is lucky he is from Massachusetts and not California.
I am working on Facebook. It is a good gateway. In degree it only proves that the culture is static and damage has and will be made to natural persons. This is an informant driven culture and a purge is underway. I am slowly focusing on Chemical Assaults Scorched Earth tactics. It appears the most poorest and remote persons suffer Direct Targeted Attacks. Petroleum and chemical factories appear to be the best catalyst for scorched earth. Military attacks seem to involve white phosphorous. This is only by observation and is by no means conclusive. Most of the best records are from burn centers made by reconstructive surgeons.
Open Letter to University of California President Mark Yudof
Westwood CA
September 11, 2009

Dear President Yudof,
My name is David Nollmeyer. I am writing you today to critique the role of the University of California over the time period of June 17, 1987 in continuo. This period of history has witnessed the unfolding of a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth that has been imposed over my natural person and citizenship. Prima facie California is enduring the brunt of the environmental, cultural, and legal damage. Since February 12, 2007 the surface water in my vicinity has been chemically destroyed. This began with the Colorado River north of Blythe, California. Currently Lake Almanor and Clear Creek in Plumas County is destroyed.
Manifest Function: A LGBTi militancy is being conducted out of Los Angeles Police Department. They are attempting to avenge Gay History. They are a Joe Virus. They are irrationalist or pre fascist. Their lack of skill and dedication to being a homeland security officer will and has damaged the United States and the history of five presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, William Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. I am lifetime cradle to grave heterosexual. I do not support opposite sex marriage and have a legal and credible record over the time period in question to support this statement as fact.
Latent Function: The event appears to be authored by Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom. In doing so they have attacked the United States and the University of California.
The University of California has the legal responsibility of recording the history of this state. The History, Philosophy, Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Anthropology, and Economics) and Law appear to have the greatest damage.
LGBTi studies if they are undertaken at all here would be a sanitized and corrupt sham. This important as these persons are desiring to have LGBTi taught as African American or Native American History.
The aperture of Gay Irrationalism through LAPD is a SEVERE ANOMALY. Every minority group that has attempted to be code officers has done so with valor and with normative skill with the majority culture in the United States. If one were to examine the degradation of my external environment and my STATELESS CONDITION, I have over 26 federal lawsuits it is evident that the worldwide censorship not only needs the defection of the United States president and Homeland Security Department, but the corruption of the media and academics as well.
It is clearly evident that a diseconomy of legal duty and academic commitment at the University of California is damaging the school and is a THREAT TO WORLD PEACE.I am openly requesting that you resign immediately for de facto and negligent conduct in your role as president of the University of California.
Thank you for your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
Open Letter to Friends of Human Rights
Westwood CA
September 15, 2009
Dear Friends,
It is clearly time for me in this trajectory of de facto human rights abuse here in the United States to continue to advocate my legal rights against sworn competent authorities. In continuation of an unrecognized Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is the corruption of academia and learning. Everything that exists in space and time is a phenomena, event, or permutation that has it's own unique history.
Manifest Function: There is a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth being developed out of Los Angeles Police Department, California. It is a Gay Militancy. The legal jurisdiction with the greatest damage is the State of California and the United States Federal District of California. This is implying guilt under the Bill of Rights, Amendments, Title 18 USC, and sworn treaties which the United States has ratified.
Latent Function: The event is designed as an act of war. This appears to be the work of Cambridge Law School. They appear to be LGBTi orientated. The 1930s era appears to have done most of the work. Such is designed as scientific determinism or nativism. In degree it is no more than socialization with external rewards and punishments. Most of these rewards are economic, career paths, and impunity from prosecution.
In light of the abuses states supra, I have challenged the University of California. They are legally responsible for developing a public curricula based on scientific determinism and secular humanism. They are also obligated to record the history of California. It is prima facie that the University of California is de facto and or negligent. A full professor at this school is paid $180,000 per anum.
I have already confronted UC Mark Yudof over this degradation of the school's legal mission.
What is manifest is that the scripting that LAPD is following is a Joe Virus. This is similar to the using of a botnet of computers to stage a denial of service to a domain server. This recently happened to a Georgian economic professor's Twitter and YouTube accounts. Here we have a manifest Gay Irrationalism Gay Know Nothing apparatus. Before deciding to undertake this legal confrontation with UC, a quantification of LAPD abilities was made verbally. They would test into pre algebra in the California Junior College System.
They are not able to identify integers and irrational numbers on a basic number line. They cannot understand what a constant and variable are. They are confused about basic elements on a Cartesian graph. A very intense argument over what is X2, hence a parabola that is a reflective symmetrical graph occurred which results in criminal harassment. A simple algebraic expression as 4x + 2y = 10 cannot be solved. If solved for y, x = 2, y = 1. This is basic algebra. This plus basic formulas are now on the high school exit exam. This state is attempting to mandate algebra 1 for completion of 8th grade.
It is impossible for a policeman who earns $50,000 a year or more to argue themselves a investors, businessmen, computer scientists and so forth.
The University of California is only one of a degree of systems that is being degraded by a pattern of systematic defection.
I have 149.5 units of college. I have a 3.19 GPA with a 3.8 over my last 60 credits. I should be applying for admission to a graduate school.
The History, Philosophy, and Law departments appear to be the most severely damaged in the short run. The Biology and Social Sciences appear to be damaged severely but is still to soon to know the degree.
In California, Governors George Deukmejian, Pete Wilson, Gray Davis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger have false and corrupt histories. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are also maintaining fictitious qualifications.
It is therefore obvious that President Barack Obama, his administration, and his four predecessors are also corrupt.
I am writing from Westwood, California. This would place me in the Sacramento District of the FBI. Drew S. Parenti is the special agent who was just promoted this month. On the very same day I emailed a complaint against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. All the surface water in major waterways in Northern California is contaminated. In particular concern is Lake Almanor and Clear Creek.
LAPD is attempting to aggrandize a Gay Militia. On degree legal warfare is conducted military against military. I am a civilian. These Gay Militants are criminals who are aiding and abetting this attack against humanity and the United States. I am specifying parties here in Lassen and Plumas counties now. How competent can LGBTi History and Studies be? Totalitarianism seeks to isolate the individual and collective from full social life. I have stated that this Gay Militancy is pre fascist. It will become fascist if intellects come to defend it. This appears to be the University of California, Stanford, and the Ivy League.
Chemical Assault: Challenge to Leadership
It is an Interfaith Human Rights site. I research Chemical Warfare and Targeted Chemical Assaults.
Most of my friends are Black Evangelicals, Hare Krishnas, and Amnesty International Facebook Friends. The culture is not sustainable. One may question abuse openly but NOT IN THE UNITED STATES.
There was an attack in Gorja, Pakistan recently where 7 Christians were burned alive. At least one online newspaper stated there was also a Chemical Assault in combination. One of Facebook preachers is based near or in Gorja.
There is rioting now in Uganda and there are persons attempting to make sense of this event in continuo.
I will defend what intelligence and contributions I have made legally and historically. This will be primarily with the FBI who are capacitated to investigate Homeland Security.
Thank your consideration.
David Nollmeyer
Westwood CA
Preliminary Ethnography of MOEC
Westwood CA
September 21, 2009
Preliminary Description of Manifest and Latent Functions
The continuum of events from June 17, 1987 in continuo through 2009. The discovery will focus in degree on proving a basic dichotomy of manifest and latent functions.
Manifest Function: De facto and negligent activities are being ordered from Los Angeles Police Department, California through mutual aid violations with various law enforcement agencies to attack the United States, it's constitution, and presidency. This is facilitated by attacking my citizenship, international human rights, natural person, as a member of the natural species of homo sapiens. (David Nollmeyer). LAPD is LGBTi orientated and I am a strict heterosexual. This in combination with my Japanese ancestry accounts for systematic torture. In degree, an epistemological attack on the natural five senses, mind, and environment have given way to a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth, 24/7 electronic surveillance, and systematic harassment by surrounding informant agents in my vicinity which constitute being an accomplice accessory to a hate crime. Treason is also a possibility. This systematic activity is prosecutable under Title 18 of the United States Federal Code as a crime and the Convention Against Torture, CAT.
Latent Function: This systematic activity is alleged to have be designed as an act of war by Cambridge Law School. This event was alleged to have been designed to avenge LGBTi History.
Basic Research Framework and Goals
The entire entrapment can be reduced to prisoner's dilemma. It is also predicated in part on an interdisciplinary ethnographic model which will also be become a subject here. I have been deliberately entrapped ad hominem, hence alienated from my legal primary rights which would be under the Bill of Rights in the United States. The original model appears to be an extension of the activities that plan the expansion and contraction of the British Empire. I am operating on this premise but focusing this forced participation observation experimentation on positive law to prosecute within the United States first.
Further Research Framework
A historical concept of laws: Eternal, Natural, and Positive Law is very prominent and was employed extensively with contrast to phenomenological perspectives.
The event reduces to prisoner's dilemma.
It has a formal name from the Origin and authorship as Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or the acronym MOEC.
This work appears to be state planning and eugenic in nature. LGBTi persons do not reproduce naturally. They need to recruit, adopt, or use artificial means to reproduce or replenish their ranks.
The systems and the ecology of systems model appears to be a template and will be used with interdisciplinary content.
The Social Contract Theory and the sovereign citizen relationship will be examined.
The original target was President Ronald Reagan. This is part of a targeted as well a systematic attack on the United States. At this time five presidents have acted criminally: 1. Ronald Reagan 2. George H.W. Bush 3. William Clinton 4. George W. Bush 5. Barack Obama.
Cognitive Behaviorism and operant conditioning have been used to test nativism and socialization of the individual.
The baseline for prosecution and academic research is almost non existent.
In degree a very intense attempt has been made to develop me as a LGBTi person. This has failed and secondary, tertiary, and beyond scenarios are in effect to cover up what was a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth against the United States an the human race.
Taylor Branch and the Clinton Legacy
Westwood CA
October 1,2009
Taylor Branch, a renown civil rights historian has written a memoir of President Bill Clinton. Inclusive are pictures of Clinton at the White House. I arrived in Washington DC near Memorial Day after the inauguration. I did attend the Viet Nam Memorial Service which was quite hostile to Clinton on the side of Agent Orange and POWs.
It will be interesting for a future research to co relate my whereabouts and all of the presidents movements and statements. This almost appears obvious. It will be a contrasting counterpoint not that all parties are cashing in of tyranny. Sarah Palin has also authored a title Going Rogue.
I need to research this data. I have emailed Taylor Branch twice on the issue of his research on Bill Clinton.
The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.
Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.
Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given it's people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.
For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."
Oslo, October 9, 2009
Obama Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize Organization. Retrieved from:
Barack Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
Big Pine CA
October 10, 2009
It is my personal opinion that this misdeed will return to haunt this organization. The conditions here are quite severe. Barack Obama has done nothing to prevent the proliferation of CHEMICAL WARFARE. This is a non military grade event. I do not see how the history of California will remember Obama as a individual who respected life, peace, and the environment.
If one wishes to see what the area that have been attacked through May to October 2009 please go to:
The photos with file name pict are current.
One should consider the following photo sites (DWN May 21, 2017):
Barack Obama's Response to 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
Blythe CA
November 2, 2009

Below is Barack Obama's response to his Nobel Peace Prize. It is clear from my point of view that this award amounts to sanitization of human rights abuses in the United States and other areas of the world that are being impacted by the alienation of human rights while Barack Obama is the president. The same poor example was made by the Nobel Organization when Al Gore won an award for in 2004. Chemical Assault Scorched Earth is no support for direct acts of violence on human life, other entities, and the environment.
The Colorado River is now contaminated. I will deal with this in earnest this month with the FBI and competent authorities to continue the established record in the pertinent jurisdictions.
I have to pick a time and place to rest and Blythe and now are the interval that my mind and body need to maintain my wellbeing.
Transition to a More Finished Presentation
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 21, 2009
The work on the ethnography is taking shape. The first chapter will focus on the topology. I have roughed pages on the University of California site:
The following citations are from the Sampradaya Sun. Over the past 22 years and definitively since 1995 I have created a system of court cases, opposed Chemical Assault Scorched Earth on the internet, and have blogged extensively against competent authorities in the United States. I currently file regular complaints on this issue with the FBI.
The so called leadership vis a vis Sovereign Citizen is debilitated. Most sworn officials have corruptly falsified their own records which is obstruction of justice.
I find it condescending to have to consume and incorporate these falsehoods against concrete history. If you were born after June 17, 1987, you have never lived in the United States proper. There is no spiritual, political, academic, or artistic culture in place to counter balance the collapse of this country into systematic totalitarianism.
The Consequence of Leadership Scandals
Nov 12, USA (SUN) Dear Devotees, I am submitting this with regards to the debate about the fault finders and the defenders. Recently I came across an article written by Anson Shupe, a scholar on religious institutions. The article is based on his observation of the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations and bears relevance to the ongoing debate and the situation in ISKCON. In the article, he laid out a five step inductive process of disillusionment with religious leadership that begins and ends with religious faith. I reproduce the five steps below:
Step 1: Faith in the power of legitimate sacred symbols, including the perception of leadership authority, is established through socialization (or as we call it association with devotees).
Step 2: A mounting set of disquieting events (scandals, personal knowledge of leadership betrayal of fiduciary responsibility to lay believers) challenges the sacred social reality. Some leaders are accused of base improprieties, others of permitting the secondary deviance to continue by essentially looking the other way instead of whistleblowing. This is the beginning of what could be called symbol erosion. It begins with a few aggrieved victims and victims' advocates but gains momentum. Tears begin to appear in the sacred social reality for many believers.
Step 3: There are rearguard attempts by leadership to condemn or refute the scandal(s), blame the bearers of bad news, and so forth. Ultimately these efforts at corrective work backfire as the set of disquieting events expands. Leadership appears as if it is more interested in protecting it's own than in offering meaningful redress to victims.
Step 4: As a consequence, the sacred symbols religious leaders called upon to obtain lay compliance, from observing special holy days to contributing financial support to even observing honorary titles begin to fail to mobilize compliance. Increasingly, perceptions of leadership legitimacy are altered among laity, disillusionment for many sets in, and authority is partially if not totally withdrawn for some.
Step 5: The end result is diminished faith for many persons. The normative power of the institution is weakened. The real symbolic interactionist process of constantly negotiating legitimacy, both on the part of religious leaders and their followers, keeps stumbling on irregularities contrary to the ideal social reality.
Shupe, A. (2003). The Religious Institution. In R. a. Herman Kinney (Ed.), Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism (pp. 625 to 637). Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Recapitulating New Mexico, Nevada, and Florida
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
November 23, 2009
New Mexico, Nevada, Florida, and Washington DC, and Virginia have concrete histories within this event. I am focusing from 1999 forward. I have also added San Diego, CA for the early 1980s. This event is too large for one person to define and archive for legal and historical use.
This is why the FBI is and Homeland Security are going to be figured in more prominently. This is their job. On the academic side the University of California is the most exposed institution. Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo has the most direct exposure and is nearly as prominent as a UC campus.
There is a slight chance that New Mexico, Texas, or Florida may re enter into this event in the future.
There needs to be a balanced arc of tension between the past history and the present. I have to be able to manage escalating conditions and a possible catabolic health and wellbeing paradigm.
I am totally certain that my work as a researcher and an online journalist blogger (I am embarrassed by the later term.) is the superior performance and the baseline. Most actors, especially the LGBTi contingent are non existent. I would put no neutrality behind the Nobel Organization and Amnesty International and other NGOs. I belong to AI and they are hypocritical in their practices.
One has to discern by the concrete and base actors on their interests.
Capping the Presentation
Blythe CA Ehrenberg AZ
December 4, 2009
In the next few years towards the completion of the next decade, I will finish the Refutation of Gay Triumphalism, insert such into Chapter 5 of Myth of the Contemporary Man, and develop the Ethnography of MOEC.
The Gay Triumphalism (Holon X) is the capstone of what MOEC has evolved into a Chemical Assault Scorched Earth. Having de facto structures operating within the United Kingdom and the United States that are LGBTi in itself negates any triumphalism on their side.
The pace I am able to maintain in combination with advancing age and declining wellbeing dictates my participation. I will also present a refutation of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Barack Obama.
It has taken 22 years of hard living and 14 years of documentation to reach the Refutation Of Gay Triumphalism. The de facto forces are antagonistic to the Gay Marriage Movement.
I have raised the baseline with my work. It is with this opportunity to now attempt reorganize and reschedule my work for a small finished capstone presentation.
I need to also maintain a public presence on internet and let public officials, the Nobel Organization, Heritage Foundation, and University of California that I will legally and historically challenge all their work that pertains to the past time period that involves MOEC.